The Incredible Five - A Cheetah's Tale

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Date Added: 3rd August 2020

Date Removed: 25th April 2021

Available for: 9 months



Cheetahs are the high-speed hunters of the Savannah. Few attempt to take on larger prey than gazelles or small antelopes. But on occasion, the predatory cats reveal their surprisingly different side. In the Serengeti, a group of male cheetahs emerges and turns all we know about them upside down. Males are usually loners or live in small groups, but here are five tomcats hunting together as one.


Certificate: Not Rated

Year: 2018

Duration: 52min

Episode Length: 52min


Cast: Klaus Müller, Claus Solman

Studio: Doclights GmbH / Studio Hamburg Enterprises GmbH


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