Boccaccio 70'

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Date Added: 17th July 2020

Date Removed: 22nd May 2021

Available for: 10 months



A bigot obsesses over the gigantic poster of a voluptuous pin-up, a married woman finds a way of dealing with her husband's passion for call-girls and a sacristan wins a night with a beautiful fairground woman in a village lottery. Three of the greatest Italian directors - Fellini, Visconti and De Sica - join forces with show-stoppers Sophia Loren, Anita Ekberg and Romy Schneider.


Certificate: 12

Year: 1963

Duration: 2h 23min

Episode Length: 2h 23min


Director: Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti, Vittorio De Sica

Cast: Sophia Loren, Anita Ekberg, Romy Schneider

Studio: Cult Films


Amazon Rating: