The Roof

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Date Added: 28th January 2020

Date Removed: 22nd May 2021

Available for: 16 months



Under provincial Italian law at the time, it was possible to build a house without being evicted from it, as long as it is erected in one single night and has a roof. So, a married couple, Luisa and Natale (Gabriella Pallotta and Giorgio Listuzzi), try to build their home in the outskirts of Rome. Will they make it? Directed by the 3 times Academy Award Oscar Winner Vittorio De Sica.


Certificate: 15

Year: 1956

Duration: 1h 34min

Episode Length: 1h 34min


Director: sVittorio De Sica

Cast: Giorgio Listuzzi, Gabriella Pallotta, Luciano Pigozzi

Studio: Minerva Pictures - Movietime


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