Mr. Zhu's Summer (english subtitles) China

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Date Added: 18th September 2019

Date Removed: 1st October 2019

Available for: 13 days



Mr. Zhu teaches in an elementary school. He is not very smart but always tries to remain his integrity. His care and affection for students are not appreciated by all. Fellow teachers also complain about his innovative ways to inspire students. Two problematic students, are headache to Mr. Zhu. Their mischievous behavior results - resigns. Now it's the task for the students to win him back...


Certificate: 13+

Year: 2017

Duration: 1h 25min

Episode Length: 1h 25min


Director: Hаоlіn Sоng

Cast: Lіu Xuеtао, Xu Wеі

Studio: Hаоlіn Sоng


Amazon Rating: