Tween Fest - Season 1

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Date Added: 26th September 2018

Date Removed: 11th October 2020

Available for: 25 months



Tween Fest stars John Michael Higgins (Pitch Perfect) as a single dad who organizes a youth-entertainment festival in the middle of the desert to showcase his daughter's (Joey King) talent but gets sidetracked when he has to keep the world's biggest social media stars from self-destructing and ruining the festival. Guest stars include Jane Lynch, Dave Koechner, Tim Meadows, and Chris Parnell.


Certificate: Not Rated

Year: 2018

Duration: 11 Episodes


Director: Scott Gairdner

Cast: John Michael Higgins, Joey King, Jane Lynch, David Koechner, Chris Parnell, Tim Meadows, Drew Tarver, Arden Cho, Lou Wilson, Dave "Gruber" Allen, JJ Totah, George Basil, Geordie Robinson, Michael Blaiklock, Tom Carmody, Jennie Pierson, Michael Mitchell, Nick Mundy, Barak Hardley, Nathan Davis Jr., Bill Kottkamp, DeMorge Brown, David Ferguson, Kale Hills, Nick Corirossi, Jace Armstrong, Josh Fadem, Will Hines, Carl Tart, Marques Ray, Betsy Sodaro, Ryan Perez, Dan Black, Anthony Gioe, Londale Theus Jr.

Studio: Funny Or Die


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