Alice Fraser - The Resistance (Live)

Unfortunately "Alice Fraser - The Resistance (Live)" is no longer available to stream on Amazon Prime Video in the UK. It may return in the future but we don't know when... Sorry!

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Date Added: 28th July 2018

Date Removed: 22nd May 2021

Available for: 34 months



The Resistance is a stand-up comedy show about the tumbledown house Alice grew up in, and the tumbledown people who lived in it. Alice brings you an hour of silly funny jokes, silly funny songs.. and a bit of devastating human truth. " hilarious, brutal and heartbreaking" - The Scotsman. "razor sharp and intriguing" - Time Out. 5 stars - The Herald Sun. 5 stars - Broadway Baby.


Certificate: Not Rated

Year: 2018

Duration: 1 hour, 4 minutes


Cast: Alice Fraser

Studio: Alice Fraser


Amazon Rating: