Hanna (4K UHD) - Season 2


Date Added: 4th July 2020


Hanna attempts to rescue Clara from the clutches of Utrax, with the help of troubled CIA agent Marissa Wiegler, who begins to see in Hanna the daughter she never had. From the dense forests of Eastern Europe, through the vast landscapes of northern England, to the hot hustle and bustle of Barcelona’s university campus, we will follow Hanna on her journey to find her place in the world.


Certificate: 15

Year: 2020

Duration: 8 Episodes


Director: sDavid Farr, Eva Husson, Ugla Hauksdóttir

Cast: Esmé Creed-Miles, Mireille Enos, Dermot Mulroney

Studio: Amazon Studios


Amazon Rating:


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