Lair of the Beast


Date Added: 7th December 2020


   09/04/2020: Added to Amazon Prime UK

   24/08/2020: Removed from Amazon Prime UK

   07/12/2020: Streaming Again



Four friends hike into the Pinewood forest to find evidence of the Chupacabra, a creature believed to be responsible for the disappearance of a group of experienced hikers a year earlier. As they journey deeper into the forest, they are introduced to a darkness that leaves these four victims fighting for their lives. One by one these friends are faced with the reality of survival.


Certificate: 18

Year: 2016

Duration: 1h 34min

Episode Length: 1h 34min


Director: Matt McWilliams

Cast: Sarah Nicklin, Michael Reed

Studio: 101 Films


Amazon Rating:


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