Anaganaga Oka Roju


Date Added: 27th January 2019


Anaganaga Oka Roju Telugu Movie is an intense romantic between JD Chakravarthy and Urmila. Chakri (JD Chakravarthy) and Madhu (Urmila) fall in love. As both their families keep quarrelling over petty issues, their parents do not approve of this relationship. Later, when they elope, they get entangled in a murder case. How they come out of it is the rest of the story with a lot of humour.


Certificate: 13+

Year: 1997

Duration: 124 min


Director: sRam Gopal Varma

Cast: Brahmanandam, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Rami Reddy

Studio: Mango Mass Media


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