Tour Eiffel

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Date Added: 30th October 2018

Date Removed: 24th April 2021

Available for: 30 months



Lulu from Sicily drives with his small rickety Fiat to Paris to fulfill his lifelong dream: he buys a red cabriolet. From the top of the Eiffel Tower he has to watch as his car is stolen by a man who intends to steal the Mona Lisa. In the course of a chase with the police, his car is completely wrecked. When getting back to it, the police takes Lulu for the thief and arrests him.


Certificate: PG

Year: 1994

Duration: 10 min


Director: sVeit Helmer

Cast: Bruno La Brasca, Shan Cong, Jef Bay

Studio: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg


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