
Unfortunately "Fleur" is no longer available to stream on Amazon Prime Video in the UK. It may return in the future but we don't know when... Sorry!

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Date Added: 7th April 2018

Date Removed: 1st December 2018

Available for: 8 months



Once upon a moonlit night in Southern California, an object that everyone assumes is a meteor, flies over Malibu and crashes into the ocean. A few hours later, a nine-year old girl named Dylan goes for a walk along the ocean to collect rocks. Dylan finds six rocks and Flower, the pilot of the alien ship that crashed into the sea.


Certificate: Not Rated

Year: 2018

Duration: 21 minutes


Director: Lee Rudnicki

Cast: Chalet Lizette Brannan, Shizuka Nishida, Vincent Lappas

Studio: Shami Media Group


Amazon Rating: