Mozart in the Jungle (4K UHD) - Season 2


Date Added: 15th March 2019


Despite months of rehearsal, the orchestra's growth has stalled. A world tour and illicit romances dog the symphony, especially Rodrigo, anxious about his Mexican homecoming. Hailey assumes a larger position in the orchestra, but struggles to find her footing as an oboist and in her love life. A looming labor strike risks pitting friend against friend and it may fall to Rodrigo to create harmony.


Certificate: 15

Year: 2015

Duration: 10 Episodes


Director: sPaul Weitz, Adam Brooks, Jason Schwartzman, Roman Coppola, Tricia Brock

Cast: Hannah Dunne, Malcolm McDowell, Gael García Bernal

Studio: Amazon Studios


Amazon Rating:


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